These bags can be given an exact time-period or life-span for the decaying process to commence. Generally it can be after 6 months, 12 months, 18 months etc. The bags will then break into pieces and bio degradation will occur causing the bag to decay completely.
- Oxo-bio-degradable bags can be used as shopping bags
- They are reusable and can also be used to collect waste in the kitchen and compost it
- Can be printed on the bags and customized accordingly
Value Added Services
- Response to customer inquiries within 24 - 48 hours
- Quotation-submission, and in-detail discussion of finer details
- Fulfillment of Customer’s order-specifications
- Customized packaging, as per buyer’s requirements
- Branding of products, as per customer’s branding requirements
- Availability of different types of delivery terms & conditions
- Handling of shipping procedures and delivery, as per buyers discretion
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